“In the creation of this policy, the values of Hotel Breiðdalsvík were considered; ‘enthusiasm, joy, and outstanding service in harmony with the environment.’ Hotel Breiðdalsvík places great emphasis on conducting responsible operations, especially in terms of avoiding activities that harm not only the company but also its employees, guests, the community, and the environment. These are the four pillars of responsible tourism. When it comes to sustainability, Hotel Breiðdalsvík has set a clear policy with a circular economy as its guiding principle. The three main pillars of sustainability are the environment, the economy, and society. Sustainability is a concept that we, as inhabitants of the earth, need to embrace more in our daily lives. The importance of our responsibility towards nature and our environment has never been greater. Human-induced climate change has increased significantly in recent years, and now more than ever, measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are critical. Sustainability means utilizing what is available without harmful effects on the earth. 

Companies, institutions, and other organized entities have a responsibility for their actions and should have constructive impacts on the environment, society, and governance. Responsibility involves acting in a way that future generations can also benefit from shared resources and society, in other words, being socially responsible.” 


Circular Economy System

The current linear resource use approach of producing-buying-using-disposing of new resources is an unsustainable approach. On the other hand, the circular economy system aims to design out waste and pollution, keep products and materials in use, and regenerate natural systems. In other words, it aims to keep resources from becoming waste and keep them in the value chain for as long as possible. (Circular Economy – UK, USA, Europe, Asia & South America – The Ellen MacArthur Foundation, etc.)

The butterfly model is a good way to explain how the circular economy system works. The middle of the model represents the traditional linear model where resources are used to produce products that are eventually discarded, often ending up in landfills. The model is divided into two parts: organic and inorganic.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the United Nations established seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are valid from 2016-2030. These SDGs have 169 targets that apply to both domestic and international issues.

The goals address the balance between economic, social, and environmental sustainability. The main themes of the goals are five: people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership, with the main aim being that no individual or group is left behind.

The SDGs aim to improve the lives of all people and the environment by 2030.


Sustainability & Responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility, Staff & Economy
(global goals no. 3, 4, 5, 8, 9). Hotel Breiðdalsvík emphasizes inviting competent and skilled staff who possess certain qualities that align with the company’s goals, operations, and strategies. The hotel aims to create a good working environment for its employees with a dedicated employee policy, making it a sought-after workplace. Staff members know where the company’s focus lies, what is expected of them, and their managers. By taking good care of the hotel’s human resources and shaping a strategy around them, the likelihood of employees working towards common goals increases, leading to higher job satisfaction and improved service quality.

Teamwork and job satisfaction:
Employees strive to work as a whole by supporting each other, emphasizing positive and good work ethics between colleagues, and showing respect, trust, and empathy towards each other. Everyone has something to contribute, but no one can do it all. A good work environment and employees working together are essential components in providing good service. Empathy and respect between staff members are important in promoting a good work ethic.

Supporting employees:
The staff is the hotel’s most important asset, and emphasis is placed on equality, respecting their rights, and showing respect towards them. Discrimination, harassment, or any kind of aggression, whether from colleagues or customers, will not be tolerated. Staff members receive adequate health care and attention to their well-being. All employees play a significant role in their job and are encouraged to take responsibility and show initiative.

Clear stance on equality issues is vital and is part of the hotel’s social responsibility. Supporting employee health and wellness provides significant benefits, such as fewer sick days. Employee satisfaction increases when they feel supported by their superiors and have room for responsibility and initiative. It is expected that employees will provide excellent service without having to endure discrimination or any form of aggression.

“Recruitment process and training newcomers successfully

Emphasis is placed on hiring staff from the local community when possible. The recruitment process is carefully carried out, based on qualifications, education, experience, and attitudes. Equal opportunities are ensured during recruitment. New employees are warmly welcomed and introduced to the hotel’s general operations and policies.

By hiring people from the local community, there is an opportunity to strengthen the region’s economic development, and it is beneficial to have local people with good knowledge of the area and its circumstances. To maintain a professional and impartial recruitment process, standardized job interviews are used, and all applicants are informed of the outcome. Job descriptions are available for the main positions. Good training improves knowledge and, therefore, the quality of service provided by the hotel. Checklists are provided for the reception of new employees and document the essential factors that need to be covered, such as environmental concerns.”


“Emphasizing safety issues

Employees are informed of the importance of safety issues and are required to follow safety guidelines. Employees are also encouraged to inform guests about safety issues and potential hazards in the hotel and surrounding areas.

All employees must receive training on the hotel’s safety policies, such as potential hazards, fire safety, emergency exits, defibrillators, and more. It is important for all employees to know where instructions and safety equipment can be found and how to use them. All frontline employees should be familiar with the company’s safety plan. All key employees should be trained in first aid. Employees need to know how to respond in situations such as fire alarms, where safety equipment is located, and other safety-related issues.”


Provide excellent service

Customers are provided with excellent service where emphasis is placed on always being there for them. All customers are warmly welcomed with a comfortable atmosphere. It is important that the staff knows the area and the environment well and can guide customers regarding entertainment, outdoor activities, and other things in the area.

The hotel has received good reviews for its service and the staff’s good reception. It is important to maintain and build on those strengths. By having staff who know the environment and entertainment in the area well, it is possible to provide excellent service and exceed the expectations of customers. This increases the likelihood of customers staying longer at the hotel and enhances its reputation.


Community and surroundings

Hotel Breiðdalsvík places great emphasis on supporting the community and the surrounding area by supporting various social activities. Hotel Breiðdalsvík trades with companies in the local and nearby areas whenever possible.


Environment & responsible consumption

(global goals 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15)

Social responsibility includes, among other things, companies taking responsibility for the impact they have on people and the environment. If the hotel does not shoulder this responsibility, it can have significant negative impacts on the business environment. Therefore, it is a significant benefit for Hotel Breiðdalsvík to provide access to and educate consumers and potential guests about the hotel’s main environmental priorities.

Additionally, the hotel’s future largely relies on the clean and unspoiled nature, where the immediate surroundings play a key role in its service. Surveys show that most travelers come to Iceland for its nature, and therefore, it is essential for the hotel to pursue environmentally-friendly tourism. With an active environmental policy, Hotel Breiðdalsvík not only has a positive impact on the environment, but it can also result in significant cost savings for the business, such as reduced waste and energy conservation.

All employees are responsible for ensuring that the hotel and its surroundings are always clean and tidy. Emphasis is placed on employees working towards the hotel’s environmental policy goals and setting a good example.

The hotel’s appearance and surroundings are the first thing customers see, and it is their first impression of the stay. Therefore, it is essential to create the right atmosphere from the start. By ensuring that the environment is free of waste and other litter, it can also reduce the likelihood of accidents for customers. It is crucial that hotel employees set a good example by reducing their use of resources and protecting the environment.

With the Hotel Breiðdalsvík environmental policy, the goal is to outline the hotel’s policy on environmental issues and how it minimizes negative environmental impacts in its operations. The hotel’s values of “enthusiasm, joy, and excellent service in harmony with the environment” were considered when creating the environmental policy.

Hotel Breiðdalsvík is aware that its operations have an impact on the environment and strives to minimize negative impacts. The hotel places emphasis on protecting natural resources through responsible use of energy, water, and chemicals while ensuring excellent service to customers. The hotel is continually working on further improvements in its operations and services to improve its environmental performance.


“Maintaining an attractive environment and utilizing resources responsibly. Emphasis is placed on protecting nature while ensuring access to it for customers. Resources are used in a sustainable and responsible manner. The hotel is in good collaboration with the local community. Maintaining an attractive environment and responsible use of resources is essential to ensure the hotel’s operational foundation and increase the number of guests. The hotel promotes clean and unspoiled nature, which is also important for residents, other businesses, and the local municipality. The hotel sets a good example of beauty and environmental protection in the area to encourage other stakeholders in the vicinity to do the same.”


Reduce waste and increase recycling.

Waste sorting assistance is readily available for employees and customers. Paper, plastic, glass, and hazardous waste are sorted separately. Food waste and other organic waste are sorted in a special way. Single-use or packaged products are not offered if possible, and packaging usage is kept to a minimum. Employees and customers are encouraged and educated on responsible use of raw materials. Paper usage should be kept to a minimum for printing, and unnecessary emails should be limited.

Hazardous waste and hazardous materials are colored-coded for separate disposal at the waste disposal sites. It is important to educate both customers and employees on responsible use of raw materials and recycling. Responsible use is both economical for the environment and for the operation.

Hotel Bláfell emphasizes recycling of raw materials by giving them a second life in another form. When items are no longer needed, they are given to those who can use them. Emphasis is placed on utilizing local resources for interior design, such as timber from Hallormsstaður and rocks from the nearby beach.


Choose products and services that take the environment into account. 

Environmentally certified products are prioritized over others. Customers are offered paperless options. All materials are used sparingly. Soap dispensers are used for hand washing and showers. Emphasis is on using local raw materials and sensible purchasing.


It is important to encourage employees to use materials sparingly. Value lies in the fact that customers know that the hotel is committed to sensible purchasing, as waste endangers the environment. Using materials sparingly can reduce the hotel’s purchasing costs. 

Using local raw materials and products minimizes environmental impact during production and distribution.


Compliance with environmental laws and regulations is at a minimum

We strive to go beyond what laws and regulations stipulate. Hotel operations comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations. If something deviates from this, there is a risk that the local community may oppose the operation, which threatens its viability. It is to the hotel’s advantage to let customers and the local community know that the hotel is going beyond what laws and regulations require.


Consciously reduce energy and water consumption

Employees are aware of using energy and water efficiently in the hotel’s operations and encourage customers to do the same. Towels are recycled according to the customer’s wishes. Heat sensors are used to save electricity. LED or energy-saving bulbs and energy-efficient appliances are installed during renovation or maintenance. Employees can use energy wisely, for example by adjusting temperature, turning off lights, and encouraging hotel guests to reuse their towels more than once. All recycling efforts should aim to reduce energy consumption. Reducing energy and water usage is not only environmentally friendly but can also contribute to lower operating costs.


It is important for staff to receive education and training on environmental protection and the hotel’s environmental policy. This enhances their environmental awareness and encourages better performance. This way, employees know what is expected of them and can help reduce the negative impact of the hotel’s operations on the environment, as well as contribute to continuous improvement. The better informed the staff, the easier it is for them to assist customers in participating in the hotel’s environmental policy.